Naukovi Novyny, Vol 1, Issue 7, July 25, 2019

Science, engineering, medicine and manipulation of consciousness

D. Demydenko (editor)


Science, according to the understanding of the majority of scientists, is, first and foremost, the branch of human activity aimed at obtaining new basic knowledge previously unknown to nobody. Engineering and medicine are the fields of human activity that use existing knowledge to solve certain technical problems or to treat or cure people accordingly.

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) has been led by engineer-technologist welder Borys Paton for more than 40 years. He calls many engineering and technological directions, which are developed by the NASU, a scientific activity and financing of this "scientific" activity by the state is strongly lobbied by the leadership of the NASU, as we could witness by the recent visit to the newly elected President, Volodymyr Zelensky [1] .In Ukraine, there is also the National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMSU), which works by a similar scheme in its entirety (since in the National Academy of Sciences, in addition to engineering and technological activities, there are indeed scientific activities) and practicing actually medicine, it is funded as a scientific organization.

Therefore, in these cases, we have the use of such a method of propaganda by the Ukrainian academies as a substitution of concepts (terms), which is an integral part of such an area of propaganda as the manipulation of consciousness (mental manipulation, psychological manipulation) [2]. This method is widely used by religious organizations and in advertising.

(Manipulation of consciousness by a large part of world medicine, which wants to be called science, is the subject of a separate article, and in my opinion reflects the growing role of falsified research and the falsificators in this field. The level of falsifications in the biomedical field has become increasingly threatening and is more and more frequently discussed by the world scientific press [3]).

We would not pay attention, but this manipulation of consciousness of the state leaders of Ukraine by the leaders of Ukrainian academies will cost Ukrainian taxpayers about 8.5 billion hryvnias (USD 315 mln, EUR 283 mln) in 2019 [4], or about 0,9% of of total budget expenditure of Ukraine, which will be spent on the NANU and the NAMSU, and which are used extremely inefficiently on low wages for scientists, the maintenance of outdated real estate and the satisfaction of the need for self-realization of the old leadership of these academies in the form of financing research directions of doubtful value, since the distribution of this funding and the value of the results is not controlled by anybody except leadership of these academies itself. That is, these grandies simply “knock out” themselves money for "toys".

In addition to methods of manipulation of consciousness, NASU for example, is using other methods of influence on state leaders, such as bribery. However, rather specific bribery. Bribery in the form of awarding the titles of corresponding members and academicians of the NASU.

Among such cases are the following:

1. Awarding the title of academician of the NASU to Volodymyr Lytvyn in 2003 [5], at the time when he was the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 4th convocation in 2002-2004 [6].

2. Awarding the title of academician of the NASU to Bohdan Danylyshyn in 2009 [7] , at the time he was the Minister of Economy of Ukraine in 2007-2010 [8]. Is appearance of the first president of the NASU (Volodymyr Vernadsky) - a man with rather dubious scientific achievements, and the building of the Presidium of NASU on the draft bank note of 1000 hryvnias from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) [9], while Mr. Danylyshyn holds the position of the Head of advisory commity of the NBU [10] coinsidence or not? It is hard to say. And is it a coincidence that large denomination banknotes are mainly used to avoid control over circulation of funds and this kind of control is not wanted by the NASU also. Let us remind you that the EU finally quit printing banknotes of 500 EUR [11] this year because it is often used for illegal operations.

3. 6 of the 24 members of the Scientific Committee of the National Rada on Science and Technology, which will play a key role in controlling the activities of the National Research Fund (NRF), which should distribute funds on a competitive controlled basis, in contrast to the NASU and NAMSU, in 2018 received incentives/bribes in the form of titles of the corresponding members and academicians of the National Academy of Sciences (namely: Klymchuk, Yegorov, Mchedlov-Petrosyan, Stasyk – corresponding members; Slyusarenko, Didukh - academicians) [12]. Has this influenced and will it influence in the future the decisions made by them regarding the preferences for needed individuals of the NASU in allocating funds by the NRF? Again, it's hard to say.

There is nothing to be said about the bribes in the form of Ph.D. and D.Sc. titles, or the sale of them for money by academic scientists. By the way, the most well-known companies involved in the organization of such sales are freely looking for academic scientists in Ukraine on online resources for employers and jobseekers.

The bribes in the form of the titles of correspondent members and academicians (full members) go with a bonus of a monthly scholarship of 3,400 hryvnias and 5112 hryvnias, respectively, in accordance with Article 36 of the relevant Law [13] and a separate resolution of the Government [14]. Bribes in the form of Ph.D. and D.Sc. titles were substantially limited by the adoption of the norm that increments for scientific degrees (15 and 25% respectively) may be paid only in the case of activities performed on the scientific subject of a title, but it is decided by the heads of institutions where such people work [15].

Returning to lobbying activities of academics for funding from the state, I would like to ask: If you are so successful as you present, why do your mostly engineering and medical achievements, do not bring profits to cover your expenses? Why do you need taxpayers money? Often you can hear in response that fundamental science does not bring profit in the short term. But, I repeat, engineering and medicine are not sciences. This is a practical application of the knowledge mined by science, that is, this activity should bring profit. If there is no profit then the organizations that carry it such activities (NASU and NAMSU in this case) are engaged in falsifications covering their inaction or failures.

Another issue is the issue of academic freedom, which allegedly should be secured by the academies. About what academic freedom we can talk when it comes to taxpayers money? The money should be spent on research to improve well-being and meet the needs of the citizens of the country. And academic freedom can be financed by own money of the academitians, by state after a professional independent examination of projects, by various non-state funds, if in the last two cases there will be an interest in the directions of development of such academic freedom.

28 years of academically free welding is already too much even for such professional falsifications.

After the adoption in 2015 of the new Law on Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities [13], the existence of academies in Ukraine, as distributors of state funds for research, gradually becomes inappropriate. I hope the new Verkhovna Rada (Parliament), after the completion of organizational procedures for the creation and operation of the National Research Fund (NFD), will continue the science reform, and will separate the science, engineering, and medical institutions, transform the presidium of the academies, for example, into the board of directors of institutions that will not make major financial decisions, or will distribute research institutes between universities and allow academies to form a public or private organization that will defend the interests of scientists.

The scientific advisory function is already carried out by the Scientific Committee of the National Rada for Science and Technology. Distribution of funds will be carried out by NRF. There is further need for a supervisory body on academic integrity and legislative mechanisms for depriving academic degrees and other responsibilities in cases of breach of academic integrity (plagiarism, falsification of research results, trade of the authorship of scientific works.

Possible near future actions could include canceling the Government's resolution to increase the lifetime scholarship to corresponding members and academicians [14], in order to minimize the possibility for academies legally provide substantial bribes.

All of the foregoing (the use of mental manipulation methods, plagiarism, falsification of research, trade of the authorship of scientific works) today creates an atmosphere in academies in which most people who are not engaged in the activities (that is, people who are sober-minded, capable and result-oriented) can not work normally and fruitfully.

And lastly, a qualified engineer or a medical doctor is not less valuable than a qualified scientist. The delineation of these concepts in the consciousness of those who engage in these activities and in the consciousness of society will only bring benefit, since it will contribute to the closer to reality perception of their own activities and closer to reality perception of the society in general.


1. The President discussed the prospects for the development of science in Ukraine with representatives of NASU, June 26, 2019, Official Internet office of the President of Ukraine ( -56073).

2. Informational security (socio-legal aspects): Textbook/Ostrouhoy B.V., Petrik B.M., Prysiazhnyuk M. M. and others. ; under general editing of E.D. Skulisha. - K-: KHT, 2010. - 776 p.

3. Rein in the four horsemen of irreproducibility, Dorothy Bishop, Nature 568, 435 (2019), doi: 10.1038 / d41586-019-01307-2 (

4. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2019 ( , the budget table - ( /laws/file/text/68/f479611n176.xls).

5. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lytvyn Volodymyr Mykolayovych (

7. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Danylyshyn Bogdan Mikhailovich (

9. National Bank of Ukraine, New banknote of 1000 hryvnias (

10. National Bank of Ukraine, Members of the NBU Rada (

11. Radio Liberty, Production stop of 500 EUR banknotes, April 27, 2019 (

12. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, New members were elected to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, March 7, 2018 (

13. Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific-Technological Activities", Vedomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady (VVR), 2016, No. 3, p.25 (

14. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Resolution dated October 17, 2007, N 1229, Kyiv, "On increasing the amount of a lifetime stipend for the title of a full member (academician) and correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences and other National Academies" (

15. Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Resolution dated August 30, 2002, No. 1298, Kyiv, "On the remuneration of employees on the basis of the Unified Tariff Grid and the coefficients for remuneration of employees of institutions and organizations of certain branches of the budget sphere" ( -2002-% D0% BF).

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