GDP of Ukraine for 2018

April 25, 2019

According to the State Statistics Service, the gross domestic product of Ukraine for 2018 amounted to about 3.6 trillion hryvnia (UAH 3558706 million) or approximately USD 132.4 billion or EUR 117.8 billion. For comparison, the GDP of neighboring Poland is about 4 times higher ( $ 586 billion ), while a difference in the population of the countries is small (Ukraine - 42 million people, Poland - 38 million people)

Below is a diagram of the distribution of GDP calculated by the production method in various fields (in Ukrainian).

Information from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine:

"GDP calculations are carried out in three ways: production, income and end-use categories. The scheme for calculating GDP and sources of information are provided in the Methodological Regulations for the calculation of the gross domestic product, approved by the order of the State Statistics Service dated 17.09.2018, No. 187 (placed on the official website of the State Statistics Agency ( ) in the section "Methodology and Classifiers" / " Statistical Methodology "/" Economic Statistics "/" National Accounts ")

In this case, we provide in electronic format GDP data and its components in actual constant prices for 2018.

In addition, we note that the information provided is published on the specified site in the sections "Express-releases" and "Statistical information" (subsection "Economic statistics / National accounts"). "

"Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the market value of all end-use goods and services produced internally for a certain period of time (for example, per month or year). End-use goods and services means finished products, which leave the production process as capable of meeting the needs of end-users .They are represented by consumer goods and services, as well as investment goods (such as those purchased by producers as means of labor, that is, buildings, structures, machines, equipment, etc.). "( Sirko, A.V. Economic theory. Politekonomiya, ISBN 978-617-673-308-9, UDC 330 (075.8)).

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